At home in North Sydney C.B., there was three on the step which I fed and the mother was starting to bring her baby for me to see... (I hope they all found another person to care for them)
My first cat was Lucky was black and white which I had with my last cat Jasmine. But they always fought and I had to give lucky away.. Albert and Veronica got him and he is probably hunting behind their house today.

Well, my present cat Min-min ( I call him) is john's cat and is very lucky today. He was found at the waste site where he worked on a container going to china. He was feed by eye-dropper with his brother (in photo the brown one) who sadly was taken from the yard on a Sunday morning. (photo)
Now, Jasmine, whom I had to sadly leave behind was 14 years old was a one owner cat and would have had difficulties moving with me. I thought I was going to have to visit the vet or something but the story of how Jasmine found her home is interesting.
I went to the Hair dressers on the final day of moving, and still had no home for her. When I arrived at the salon, Pat asked about Jasmine and said She knew a women whom had the same type of cat and would love to have another one as hers had died.
So, John and I made a visit to see her and found her very excited to have another Siamese-Himalayan. She told us how she had a dream the night before about Spike her cat and how she got this phone call the next morning. They look so much alike that she had tears in her eyes.
I have talked to her a couple of time since and she tell me Jasmine and her are happy and how it seems that Jasmine does the same things and sleeps in the same place as her cat use to. Strange... (John said that the spirit of Spike is visible to Jasmine as energy left behind.. I don t know if cats are like that) Would like to know as some say they see the Auora around people.
Today, my cat is Min-Min who John calls Gilbart 
He just had a sex change last week as we found out he was a male and we thought it was female and was called Gilberta. She is funny and I just love her. Always thinks she is a person... to see her lying in bed stretched out on her back with arms wide spread.

He just had a sex change last week as we found out he was a male and we thought it was female and was called Gilberta. She is funny and I just love her. Always thinks she is a person... to see her lying in bed stretched out on her back with arms wide spread.
When I am in the bathroom she wants her shower or bath (she had it today) and when I ignore her she finds a way to get attention. When john and I were watch video of his dog playing catch and Min-min arrived with his toy.. ( a small pink pig) and jumped on the chair where I was sitting. The other day she got up on the chair behind me and had one leg around each side of my neck.. surprise...
such a suskie...
very nice ...you always had a cat Aunt Betty wvwe since i can remember anyway ....love yas ...