When looking for a photo of my lovely home area of Cape Breton I was directed to the photos of a tourist visiting Cape Breton National Park. No better way to show you my home than through the eyes of those who see it for the first time.
Please check out the 44 photos of this family visiting Cape Breton National Park.
Today, July 12, 2009, I am in Moncton N. B. and missing the water. It is so hot here without that wind that blows across the bay of Sydney to my home along the coast. That lack of humidite in the air seem to make it even hotter.
Yesterday, was the Altantic Car show and everyone was showing of the older models. I loved the sight of older cars like those that my brother Bill had as he grew up in C.B.
. Seems he had them all. How I am sure he was there with me as I remember him driving in those cars which were his. (the above photo seems approarite as you see the road he drove so many time.

Comment: Bill's daughter Joanne had the following comment on this blog.
"I loved it! (Your blog) It really gave me some insight into your life as you were growing up......... I also liked the part about my Dad. He always had such nice cars! Keep writing Betty. You're doing a great job! I look forward to reading many more interesting stories! "